Sail Charlevoix Junior Sailing and Racing Program 231-675-9099

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Junior Venetian Regatta (ages 8-18)

2024 Notice Of Race (NOR) Google Doc:

Tuesday, July 23 | Depot Beach, Charlevoix, Michigan

Regatta is open to all Junior Sailors (ages 8-18). Paid Sailing School Instructors may not race.

Entry fee is $50.00 per competitor.


Check-In and shirt pickup — 9:00 to 10:00 AM (Please be prompt at 9:00 AM.)

Skippers meeting — 10:00 AM

Boat Setup & Launch -- 10:30 AM

Warning signal for the first race — 10:45 AM

No races will be started after 2:00 PM

Junior Venetian Regatta shirts and a pizza lunch will be available for participants. Lunch time varies depending on the races.

Online location map for Depot Beach is available at

See the full NOR for more information. (Google Doc above. You may need to copy and paste into your browser.)

Tuesday, July 23 @ Depot Beach, Charlevoix

Arrival at 9:00 AM. For more information, see description for Notice Of Race and schedule.

11 left  (waitlist available)

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